I invite queries, questions, and comments from would-be writers, experienced authors, and anyone in between.
I will blog each week, even though I am terribly technologically impaired. (I do not text, IM, tweet, or any of a number of other ways of communication. I am a bit slow when it comes to innovation.)
I will always blog about writing and related topics. And I prefer no profanity. I expect any visitor to my blog to conduct themselves with dignity and courtesy to the other visitors.
I will provide updates on my current book as it winds its way through the publishing process. For those who are published, I’m sure this will be one big yawn. For aspiring authors, you will see just how long it takes to go from manuscript to published book. (Don’t despair; if you really want something, the only way to get it is to be patient and persistent.)
I will keep you informed of my new projects, upcoming events, book signings and appearances, if the book gods smile down on me.
Though I primarily write about paganism, and my genre may not be your cup of tea, writing is writing. This is my preference, my niche. I continue to freelance and network with authors on their projects, whether or not it is my cup of tea.
I will not be judgmental about your choice of writing, if you respect my choice of writing.